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  1. #1


    Verjetno ze veste, da se je premier Italije (in tudi najbogatejsi Italijan) zapletel v afero s prostitutkami v svoji vili na Sardiniji.
    Ena od najdrazjih prostitutk, call-girlPatrizia d'Addario, je konec prejšnjega meseca sodišču izročila magnetofonske trakove, na katerih so posneti njeni pogovori z italijanskim predsednikom vlade Silviem Berlusconijem.
    Vsebino pogovorov so že objavili na spletni strani časopisa L'Espresso.
    Tukaj imate slovenski prevod: viem_berluscon.html

    Iz zapisa je razvidno, da se Silvio in Patrizia nista samo držala za roke. Mimogrede: Berlusconi je bil rojen 29. 9. 1936 in je tako sedaj star 73 let Zdaj pa razmisljajte, koliko modrih tablet poje na dan

    In se to: visoko placani prostitutki Patrizii se sedaj obeta TV kariera v Italiji

  2. #2
    Datum prijave
    Sep 2006
    +11 /  -0


    For an accurate and serious information:
    L'Espresso/La Repubblica </font>newspapers </font>are property of Carlo De Benedetti, which is very closed to opposition.

    Patrizia D'Addario is an escort on the decline, she was engaged from Gianpaolo Tarantini, an entrepreneur who has introduced Patrizia D'Addario to Berlusconi's house as a friend, not as an escort. So, Berlusconi did not know that she was an escort. He was convinced that she is a fan of him. Tarantini was always together with beautyful girls, but nobody knows are then escorts or friends. Of course he wanted to </span>gain Berlusconi's</span> sympathy. </span></span></span></span></font>

    Patrizia D'Addario was payed 1.000 € from Tarantini just to be at the dinner. She wanted to persuade Berlusconi to help her to complete a real estate investment she had started and did not go on, because of burocracy. Berlusconi promise to help her, but did not pay her, because he did not know she was an escort. Tarantini did not pay her other 1.000 € for the overnight.

    When Berlusconi went in Bari, where the escort lives, she has tryed to go in the hotel where Berlusconi was, but the security did not allow her. Maybe somebody told Berlusconi that she was a pay-sex woman. So, no money, no help fot her investment, Patrizia D'Addario starts her blackmail and has sold her recording to the newspapers.

    Do you think it's usual that an escort is recording and taking pictures of her customers?
    Do you think Berlusconi, with his power and money, needs to engage an escort?
    It seems he did not do sex all night with that escort, because in other recording he was asking her in the morning if she had sleep well. Abd she told she did not sleep because SHE has taken several cold showers.

    Something stinks [img]smileys/smiley36.gif[/img]

    </span></font> </font>

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